We are over the moon about our new international online dance competition⁣

The whole world is currently being put to a tough test. The corona pandemic not only causes considerable restrictions in the dance community, but also has an enormous impact on the entire world⁣

Against this background, we have come up with this new idea to ensure that our dancers still have some faith and inspiration to stay true to their passion⁣

On the 14th – 30th December 2020⁣

How does it work:⁣

We have 8 different judges all around the world, who will choose a song, which she/he thinks that would suit best for the virtual competition to present⁣
her/his style⁣

In the first week, TRT Dance Masters announces 4 different songs⁣
(in the second week 4 new ones) of which dancers all around the world can pick the most suitable for them and create their own unique movement (freestyle, freebie, improvisation etc.) ⁣

Dancers film it with their cameras, phones etc. and take part of⁣ the competition – video can be 0:45 – 1:30min long⁣

Judges give points to their 5 favourites, who will compete in the final round. We will announce two winners who both get the Grand Prix (500€)

There will be no style given or asked. We want you to create movement without pre-planning any steps or choreography, just you and the music. The best time to explore your own limits and find what movement suits you. Attain a new, higher degree of freedom!⁣